2017 Cutera XEO with Nd:YAG, LimeLight, and Titan
Serial Number: XP1 (message for serial number)
Date of manufacture: 2017-08-22
LimeLight Pulse Count:
A: 323
B: 448
C: 2
Nd:YAG Shot Count:
Long: 1,510
Short: 259,640
Titan Shot Count: TBD
Limelight Handpiece
Titan Handpiece
Nd:YAG Handpeice
Foot Switch
System Key
Power cord
Operators Manual
30 day parts and Labor Warranty
2017 Cutera Xeo for sale.
1064 Handpiece
LimeLight Handpiece
Foot Pedal
Power Cord
Treat a broad range of conditions with the wavelength that Cutera knows better than anyone. truPulse 1064 nm Nd:YAG provides up to 15 treatment applications and appropriate for all skin types. The system is optimized for effective hair removal, treating vascular lesions on the face and lower extremities, and includes the highly popular, no-downtime laser genesis procedure for skin revitalization.
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