The Quanta Thunder is another range of lasers systems from Quanta that offer mixed technology the latest innovation in laser technology for hair removal and other treatments.
Thunder Indications
The Most Advanced Pain Free Dual Laser
Hair Removal
Dermatologic Vascular Lesions
Skin Rejuvenation
Thunder Overview
The Thunder Series is the latest cutting edge laser system offering two Gold-standard wavelengths, Alexandrite 755 nm and Nd:YAG 1064 nm, in single or combined emission by Quanta systems proprietary Mixed Technology. To overcome the limitations of a single wavelength emission, Quanta system developed the Proprietary Mixed Technology combining 755nm and 1064 nm in simultaneous or sequential emissions for faster, safer and significantly more efficient treatments on all skin phototypes.
Quanta Thunder MT Laser Series Advantages
Mixed Technology using Alexandrite 755nm and Nd:YAG 1064nm
Treat all skin types safely thanks to Mixed Technology
Simultaneous use of both lasers increases efficiency and operation safety
Up to 30% Faster treatment times thanks the Super-elliptical Shape Handpiece
More accurate coverage thanks to the Largest scanner on the market (29cm2)
Super elliptical shape handpiece for minimal Overlap minimising risk of burns
Option Qool-air for maximum operating performance
Quanta Systems proprietary Mixed technology
Thanks to Quanta Systems proprietary Mixed technology, the Thunder MT permits the operator to easily select either single or double wavelength emissions, using simultaneous or sequential pulses that can be tailored according to the patient’s needs.
Ultimate power for your Practice
The Quanta Thunder series of lasers is a new addition to the stunning Quanta portfolio. The Quanta Thunder laser is the ultimate tool for laser hair-removal for both a start-up aesthetic practice and an already established aesthetic practice.
Every business needs a point of difference and with the Thunder series you have that in abundance. The Thunder series is designed to offer ultimate speed and client comfort but also offering additional revenue streams from other applications possible with the machine.
It is worth remembering that 46% of all light-based procedures performed in the UK are hair-removal, so this needs to be done right with no compromise, as the word of mouth alone will help you build your business and make it successful.
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