INMODE EmbraceRF Radio Frequency Unit
INMODE EmbraceRF Radio Frequency Unit
Product Description
InMode2021 EmbraceRF System: Used for FaceTite. AccuTite. Morpheus8.
Selling New 2021 EmbraceRF System!!
This is a new InMode system that includes the following: (In photos)
* InMode EmbraceRF Workstation
* Includes 2 FaceTite and 2 AccuTite devices ($1000 Value)
* Includes 8 Design Veroique Jaw Compression ($300 Value)
* Includes 3 Liposuction Cannulas: Spatula cannula, tumescent infiltration canula, and Sattler cannula ($500 Value)
* Box of 23 Spinal needles
* Patient brochures and Quick Reference Guides.
Retail Value $220,000!!!!!
(Does not include Morpheus8 Device)
Selling because a purchase with a local provider fell through.
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